Who we are


For God’s glory we aim to serve sending churches and their missionaries by facilitating the establishment of reproducing churches in South America through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training.


By God's grace we endeavor to:

Enlist missionaries to evangelize and make disciples among the lost in South America.
Carry the ministry of the Gospel to neighboring countries.
Establish Biblically sound reproducing local churches.
Provide Christ-centered, Biblically sound theological education to prepare effective pastors and missionaries.
Develop Christ-centered, Biblically sound theological education to prepare effective pastors and missionaries.
See the Lord glorified by the praises of the redeemed of South America.


Through God's strength, we share a passion for:

Taking Christ to the lost.
Proclaiming Biblical truth.
Upholding doctrinal purity.
Submitting to God's holiness through Biblical separation.
Serving Bible-believing churches.
Demonstrating love for others through hospitality.
Building an international team.
Exercising stewardship of our resources with integrity.
Reflecting God's excellence in Christlikeness and ministry.

Philosophy of Missions

Evangelism & Discipleship

“Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:5

As a dedicated team of missionaries, we proclaim the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. We are fully convinced of the sufficiency of God’s Word and the power of God's Spirit to save and transform men and women, boys and girls, into devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Reproducing Churches

“So were the churches established in the faith and increased in number daily.” Acts 16:5

Evangelism and discipleship must yield local churches where believers can worship God, edify one another, and be equipped for the work of the ministry. Our objective is to establish reproducing local churches with Biblically-qualified leadership, expositional preaching, commitment to financial stewardship, vision for local and global church planting, and appropriate facilities for ministry.

Leadership Training

“Commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2

We are committed to strengthening local churches by equipping men and women for Biblical ministry.  Current efforts are focused on four-year Bible training programs in partnership with local pastors and missionary colleagues.

Camp Ministry

“Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example…” 1 Timothy 4:12

Camps provide an excellent environment for evangelism, discipleship, and supporting the establishment of local churches. Over 60 years of camping history, many have been saved, edified, and dedicated their lives to serve the Lord. We work alongside our national colleagues to develop the full potential of this valuable ministry.


Tom Gibbons

General Director

Terry Thompson

General Director Emeritus

Nigel Kissick

UK Director

Steve Gordon

Canadian Director

James Morrell

Argentina Field Director

Sergio Duarte

Uruguay Field Director

David Flinck

Chile Field Director


Pastor Ben DeMar | Secretary
Dr. Kirk Hensarling | Member
Pastor Matt Postiff | Chairman
Mr. Devin Raven | Treasurer


Rev. Paul Acheson | Chairman
Mr. Joseph Crozier | Treasurer
Rev. Trevor Gillanders | Member
Mrs. Daphne Hall | Secretary
Rev. Nigel Kissick| Member
Mr. Gareth McKeown | Member
Pastor Ian Wilson | Member


Pastor Steve Gordon | Member
Mr. Ed Stewart | Chairman
Mrs. Diane Stewart | Secretary & Treasurer


Rev. Dan Burkholder
Rev. William Hixson
Dr. William Muller
Dr. Les Ollila
Rev. Robert Philbrick
Rev. Eric Watson


For 100 years we have witnessed God's faithfulness through the ministry of GMSA in South America.


Meet our international team laboring side by side to fulfill the Great Commission.