Blessed with a New Tractor–Soon!

More than three years ago, our old Someca tractor began having engine trouble and it was determined that the engine had to be rebuilt. After receiving an estimate, we decided that our funds would be better utilized by investing in a new more versatile tractor with a front-end loader.

After a year of looking, we found what we were looking for. The dealer agreed to take the old tractor and mowing deck as partial payment and we continued saving up for the remaining $18,000. It is with great joy that we can now announce that the Lord has blessed us with the funds necessary to purchase the tractor with a front-end loader and a two-meter mowing deck!

We are still waiting for delivery-everything moves a little slower during the pandemic, and the work needed to be done
will wait until it arrives, but what a great blessing to have the hope of its pending arrival! We would like to thank you for generously donating towards this necessary tool for the camp development! It is a great blessing for us to have you support God’s work in Argentina!

As you can imagine, camp ministry during a pandemic is just not a possibility. We continue with lawn care and plugging away at smaller projects, but we have not had an event in over a year.

We were blessed to be able to start having church services this past December with up to 20 people and we continue with this same permission for now. James is now overseeing the ministry at the Chivilcoy church along with missionary Colby Holmes. Please pray for healing in the church during this time of transition. James takes our oldest up to work at Alpine Ministries in West Virginia for the summer before starting college. Please pray for Hannah’s summer ministry and the many new experiences ahead and for the transition for us as we watch our first leave the nest. Thank you again for partnering with us for reaching the lost for Christ in Argentina!

Resting in Christ,
James and Donelle Morrell


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