The Faith Principle

Every member of GMSA is expected to recognize our dependence upon God for the supply of every need through the voluntary contributions of the Lord’s people.

While missionaries and appointees may not solicit funds, they may inform legitimate inquirers about the GMSA’s financial policies and procedures as well as their own personal financial status and support levels.

The General Director may also authorize the publishing of project needs and missionary support levels in mission publications and on the website.

Support a missionary

donate to a project


Your Partnership in Great Commission Ministry

We live in very complex times nationally and internationally. We might be concerned, but we shouldn’t be discouraged because the gospel is for all times, even the times we’re living in. Things happen that shock, sadden, and maybe even anger us. You likely feel that you have no influence of any real consequence over national and world events, but friend, you do have significant influence that is consequential to Christ building His Church. Your influence is multiplied through praying, giving, and sowing the seed of God’s Word to those you know who are without Christ.

Our primary ministry objective as believers is to do all we can to ensure that the life-changing gospel is preached at home and abroad, and to see Christ build His Church. Your faithful prayers and support of your missionary or project are the raw materials Christ uses in doing so. Thank you so much, and thank you for the privilege of helping you and your missionaries to establish reproducing churches in South America. ​

Do you have questions about your giving?

We are here to help!
Contact us today.