Imparting the Gospel and Our Own Lives

Being approved by God to be entrusted with the Gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:4)

We thank God for your prayers for our family and ministry here in Paysandu, Uruguay these past couple of months.  Our days have been full and we are thrilled to share what God has been doing:

  • We met 4 times for premarital counseling with a young couple who got married on December 3rd.  We praise the Lord for His work in bringing them together and we look forward to seeing how God will use them in the future.
  • Danny is still preaching 3 times a week for Sunday School, Sunday Worship service, and also Wednesday nights.  Liz teaches a ladies’ Sunday school class and also once-a-month ladies’ meetings (see picture above).  What a joy to teach God’s Word and see God give the increase in people’s lives!  These teaching opportunities keep us grounded in God’s Word and have produced growth in our lives also.
  • End-of-the-year school outings at the camp have given us opportunities to share the Gospel with well over 100 unchurched kids over the past couple of months.  We would like to better minister to these school groups through Bible tracks or other Christian materials that we can put in their hands to then take home and read later.  Pray with us for this need!
  • We participated in 2 special services this past month in our church.  Different members of the church joined to sing in a Spring Cantata.  This proved to be a great opportunity for evangelism. Many came out to hear the singing and received a clear presentation of the Gospel.  The second service involved the baptism of 4 young people in the church.  What a joy to hear their testimonies and witness their identification with Christ in the waters of baptism!
  • The last youth day “Impacto” occurred this past Saturday.  We hosted around 60 teens and many were participating for the first time.  The next event for them is their week of summer camp.  We pray for many to be saved and grow in their walk with the Lord.

For you remember, brethren, our labor and toil (I Thessalonians 2:9)

Work on camp continues.  God gave us the strength and help from volunteers to get the camp kitchen usable for summer.  Many hours went into tiling the floor, cleaning and fixing kitchen appliances, to finally putting everything back into the kitchen right before the arrival of a church group.  

General camp maintenance is in full swing also.  This means cleaning cabins, scrubbing and pressure washing the pool weekly, and mowing acres of grass.  We thank you for your continued prayers for us during these busy weeks.

We are counting down the days until the boys can come home for Christmas. God graciously provided for their plane tickets and we look forward to celebrating Christmas with Matthias, Micah, and Courtney (Micah's girlfriend). All three study at Appalachian Bible College and are finishing up their fall semester in the next couple of weeks. We are sure they would appreciate your prayers for them as they hand in their final projects, papers, and assignments and take their final exams. We would ask you to pray for their flights down to South America, that God would grant them safe travels.

Brethren, pray for us (I Thessalonians 5:25)

Pray for the couple who was married this weekend and for their life together. May they love and serve the Lord together.

Pray for Danny as he manages work on camp and pastors the Paysandú church. We are thankful for the godly men in the church who help shoulder the load.

Pray for Micah and Matthias at school and for their trip to Uruguay on December 18th.

Pray for the summer camps coming up in January and February. For souls to be saved and edified through God's Word.

Pray for the many visitors that have come recently to our services. May we encourage them to take the next step in their walk with the Lord.

Pray for the preparations for summer camp- that God would bring the speakers, staff, and program together.

Thank you for your prayers and support, dear friends.  Sometimes, we feel like the apostle Paul as he expressed being “pressed on every side”.  Would you pray that God would grant us eyes to see these pressures of life as real opportunities to demonstrate true joy in serving Him?  We are humbled by God’s working in us and through us for His glory.

Serving Him,
Dan & Liz
Micah, Matthias, Morgan, Madeline Thompson


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