The Thompsons

Terry and Carol

Joined GMSA: 1970 (Terry) and 1973 (Carol)
Country: Chile
Serving: William Strong Bible Seminary, Los Angeles Church Plant, General Director Emeritus

The Lord led Terry to serve in Chile for a year with GMSA in December 1970. Carol joined the team in 1973 and we married on July 14th and arrived in Chile for our first term in December. The first two terms were primarily serving in the Chiloe Islands with a boat ministry, tent evangelism and establishing local churches. Our third and fourth terms involved establishing a local church in Santiago – a city of six million souls – and field leadership. The Lord led us into directing the Mission from the Ft. Lauderdale headquarters in January 1994. The Mission has graciously allowed us, at various times, to replace certain missionaries while they furlough, giving us a much needed update of what field ministry is like for our missionaries.

In early 2018, we retired from the general director ministry.

We are currently part of a team working to establish a reproducing local church in the city of Los Ángeles, Chile. We are expecting the Lord Jesus Christ to build His Church so that successive generations will hear the Good News of the Gospel and the truth of God’s Word preached until our Lord returns.

Recent Updates:

Terry & Carol Thompson

Progress on Two Fronts

Thank you for your prayers!   With help from three grandsons we cleared more ground around the Mission house at Pumalal.  Now for the grass seed

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Terry & Carol Thompson

Sidewalk Progress

Thank you for your prayers.  This last week was cloudy, some rain (mud) and frost on Saturday morning when we poured the sidewalk.  During the

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