The Achesons

Paul and Sharon, Timothy, Philip

Joined GMSA:
Country: Northern Ireland
Serving: Chairman of the UK Council

We all have our favourite verses of Scripture.  One of mine is tucked away in the Epistle of Paul to Titus Ch 2: 14.  It tells me that the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ  ‘…gave Himself for us,  that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.  Allow me to break the verse into four parts and personalise it to my life.

First of all the verse speaks to me of SACRIFICE, Jesus gave Himself for me. Being brought up in a Christian home in Coleraine Northern Ireland I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know this wonderful truth.  I soon discovered that knowledge of Scriptural truth would not be enough to get me into God;s heaven.

Secondly this text speaks of SALVATION, Jesus gave Himself to redeem me.  On the cross Jesus paid the price for my redemption.  Sometimes we sing the hymn, ‘The price is paid, come let us enter in..’  On the twelfth of November 1978 I ‘entered in’ and experienced God’s great salvation.  I was saved by His grace and received the witness of the Holy Spirit that I had been redeemed.

SANCTITY is the third part of the verse.  He ‘gave Himself to purify unto Himself a peculiar people or He died for me that I might be holy and display characteristics that are specific to Jesus.  I like the prayer of the late Robert Murray McCheyne, ‘Lord make me as Holy as it is possible for a saved sinner to be.’  When I was in my early twenties something of this prayer became a reality in my heart.  I had a desire to know God better and to live a holy life.  This brought me to the place of ‘absolute surrender’ to God and to His will for my life.

Finally the text in Titus speaks to me of SERVICE, ‘…zealous of good works.’  At the age of sixteen I left school and entered into the Motor Trade to pursue my love for cars.  As I surrendered my life to God I discovered He had greater plans.  I found myself following the leading of the Lord into The Faith Mission Bible College, Edinburgh and then into the work of the Faith Mission for some twenty years.  During this time I met Sharon who has become my wife and we now have two teenage boys Timothy & Philip.  Five years ago God called me to the pastoral ministry.  As a family we now live in Co. Down and serve the Lord in Newtownards Congregational Church.  I am so thankful that Jesus gave himself for me!

Rev. Paul Acheson